School of the Supernatural

We all need to learn more about faith, God and life. How do we balance work, family, and bettering our community and the world we live in. Obtain a better understanding of the way with our courses in Apostolic and Prophetic based teachings. We bring you a deeper level of revelation as you receive the anointing and impartation from each class.

Kingdom Impact Center will help you develop a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord. In addition, you will be stretched and challenged into the person God designed you to be. Plus, receive spiritual insight for the purpose of fulfilling your call.

You will instantly feel right at home, because it’s a safe place. We have created a place where you can dress casual or dress up. But most importantly we are institution for you learn, better yourself. Find your inspiration and discover your true identity through our school of the supernatural.

For the best School of the Supernatural in Aurora, IL, call and come visit us today! Kingdom Impact Center. As your local premier Apostolic Church, we specialize in School of the Supernatural, Impacting Communities, Teaching and Training, Inspiration, and True Identity.

Come Visit Us Today!


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